MyPhone Vows to Release 700MHz-Ready Smartphones and Pocket Wi-Fi Soon

by Daniel Gubalane on Jun 08, 2016

Now that Smart and Globe have 4G LTE in the 700MHz band, local mobile devices brand MyPhone announced its readiness to release devices that are compatible with this technology.

This included several smartphones ranging from high-end looking ones and budget friendly models. There’s also a pocket Wi-Fi in the accompanying photo of the announcement that might just be what some people are looking for.

MyPhone is up for the challenge!

4G LTE on the 700MHz frequency is relatively faster, less congested and has stronger penetrating power on walls and buildings.

Initial testing conducted by Smart and Globe rendered speedtest results of around 100Mbps near the cell sites. Expect a lower speed when more users connect to these networks though.

Eyes are no on other local brands if they will also release 700MHz-ready devices. Even Smart plans to release their own devices.

Daniel Gubalane

I am a tech enthusiast who likes to review gadgets and organize smartphone specs sheets to create a helpful website for smartphone buyers.

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