Tech News

Google Maps Now Supports Shareable Lists of Favorite Places

by Daniel Gubalane on Feb 14, 2017

Google Maps for iOS and Android gets an update today that brings support to shareable lists of favorite places.


How to Make a Shareable List on Google Maps:

To try this new feature, first, update your Google Maps app. Next, search for a place on Google Maps and swipe up to view more information about it. Lastly, tap Save and it will bring up your lists including pre-made ones like Favorites and Want to go.

You can then add a new list like ‘Bucket list’ or ‘Good restaurants in the city’ . The list can then be shared which has its own web address. Your lists can be found in Your Places > Saved.


This has the potential to be a more convenient way of telling your friends your favorite places. Send them a link and they can easily see where those places are since it’s linked to Google Maps.

Daniel Gubalane

I am a tech enthusiast who likes to review gadgets and organize smartphone specs sheets to create a helpful website for smartphone buyers.

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